2024 Chrome Extensions for Productivity


I’ve been using this extension for about 6 years now. I mainly use it as a “screensaver” for Chrome. But there are so many other things you can do: create lists, weather integration, Pomodoro timers, bookmarks, and more. I have the free version but there is a Pro version with more features.

Web Scraper

This one was introduced to me by a coworker. This is a web data extraction tool for anyone who’s putting together contact lists, excel files, or any other tedious project. Once your data is scrapped it conveniently allows you to export to CSV. Not going to lie the first time I used this I was fairly lost, however, after watching a short tutorial on the website it was super easy. Don’t be like me, read the instructions lol.

Inbox When Ready for Gmail

This is for the workaholics and easily distracted girls. If you’re like me, the minute I get an email notification… I’m looking. This tool gives you plenty of options to avoid distractions and allow you to focus, like email notification scheduling, hiding your unbox, and setting up an inbox budget. Which means you can only check your email a certain amount of times a day. The downside is it’s only available for Gmail.

Session Buddy

If your tabs bar has the arrow or the “…” at the end, you need this. I too am guilty of opening any little thing that catches my eye for “later”. Then next thing you know my bar has 20 watches I want to buy. And that’s just on my laptop… my work computer is way worse. Having my laptop crash because of this is an experience I know all too well. This extension allows you to create your tabs as a collection that can be easily opened later. As well as recover your tables after a computer crash, if you know… you know.


The last one is an oldie but such a goody. This extension has seriously saved me on so many essays, projects, blog posts (like this one lol) and so much more. I’ve always had spelling issues and tend to overlook words when typing. So having a little editor there to back me up and fix my mistakes is a godsend.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting up Google Calendar


Let’s Study!